Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. Solid quality!

Critic 1

Not surprisingly a very good movie that lives up to it's expectations compared to Sherlock Holmes (2009). However the surprise element is now gone. Again the movie is kind of dark with not-so-perfect computer generated effects... But who cares? Action and plot are the carrying forces. I find the Noomi Rapaces gipsy character to be just an annoyance but otherwise casting is good. Solid option for a first date movie... If you can stand all the witting.

Critic 2

Gears go higher and Holmes meets a strong enemy. Not so much of character development, but more action. Although plot is revealed a bit after bit which fitted the movie. Downey and Law are continuing to cast one of their best roles. And it's steampunk, so the movie can't be bad. I Also liked the the music of both Holmes movies.

Judgement star for Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows.
Judgement Star: A solid movie with a few weak points.

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